Experiencing Space
is the title of the new exhibition, which will open on June 10, 2016. Franz Riedl’s installation irritates our perception of space, Franz Stefan Kohl shows his in-depth spatial pictures, Fritz Ruprechter creates room for meditation with his paintings, and Norio Kajiura links architectural structures to other spaces.
A space-filling experience will also be the music of the PART OF RITA trio at the opening (from 7:00 p.m.). Anne Marie Fürthauer (vocals), Martin Stepanik (keyboards) and Chris Kronreif (saxophones) take us on a journey into a realm of euphony. The finest jazz improvisations, ballads and Beatles songs will enchant you.
Come, see and listen!
Opening of the exhibition
Friday, June 10, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Franz Riedl